This section contains information related to the activity of the Trade Fair Institution of the Canary Islands (INFECAR), and the management of the resources available to it, in accordance with Law 19/2013 of December 09, on transparency, access to public information and good governance and Law 12/2014 of December 26, on transparency and access to public information, of the Government of the Canary Islands.
Applicable regulations
- Canary Law of transparency and access to public information.
- State Law on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance.
- Canary Law for the Promotion of Citizen Participation.
Pursuant to Section Two of Law 12/2014, of December 26, 2014, on transparency and access to public information, citizens have the right to file a complaint with the Commissioner for Transparency and Access to Public Information
Compliance with the degree of transparency.
You can consult the report on compliance with the degree of transparency of INFECAR issued by the Commissioner for Transparency and Access to Public Information of the Canary Islands:
Memory 2019
Download fileMemory 2020
Download fileMemory 2021
Download fileCompliance with law 12/2014
Download fileMemoria provisional 2022/2023
Download filePara cualquier reclamación sobre transparencia puede realizarla en el siguiente enlace: Cómo reclamar.