El plazo de presentación de ofertas estará disponible hasta las 13:59 hora canaria del próximo 12 de febrero Infecar, Feria de Gran Canaria, continúa avanzando en el camino hacia su transformación integral. El pasado jueves 9 de enero se publicó la licitación de los trabajos de asistencia técnica de dirección de proyectos (Project Management) para […]
[ssba url="/en/news/infecar-licita-la-asistencia-tecnica-para-las-obras-del-nuevo-pabellon-y-la-urbanizacion-del-recinto"]Infecar ended 2024 with 150 events, solidifying its position as an economic, social, and cultural driving force
The venue managed to attract more than 273,000 visitors throughout the year, reflecting its continuous growth and its contribution to the development of the community and the business fabric of Gran Canaria. Infecar, Feria de Gran Canaria, concludes 2024 with an extremely favourable balance, reflecting its importance in driving the island’s economic, social, and cultural […]
[ssba url="/en/news/infecar-ended-2024-with-150-events-solidifying-its-position-as-an-economic-social-and-cultural-driving-force"]Planeta Gran Canaria wraps up its 24th edition with nearly 35,000 visitors in attendance.
The Ultimate Christmas Event in Gran Canaria Solidifies Its Place as the Island’s Largest Family Entertainment Space YouTuber Timba Vk delighted the youngest attendees, sharing laughs and video games with them The 24th edition of Planeta Gran Canaria concludes today after welcoming nearly 35,000 visitors. This event has become a cherished Christmas tradition on the […]
[ssba url="/en/news/planeta-gran-canaria-wraps-up-its-24th-edition-with-nearly-35000-visitors-in-attendance"]Creativity and artisanal quality come together in San Telmo to surprise with unique gifts for Three Kings’ Day
The Gran Canaria Craft Fair remains in the central capital square until January 5 The musical group Non Trubada will close the event with a final performance on the evening of January 5 Gran Canaria, January 4, 2025 – In San Telmo Square, at the heart of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a universe of […]
[ssba url="/en/news/creativity-and-artisanal-quality-come-together-in-san-telmo-to-surprise-with-unique-gifts-for-three-kings-day"]Planet Gran Canaria exceeds 18,000 visitors and invites you to enjoy its last days
Gran Canarian families can continue the fun this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with over 40 family-friendly activities. One of the festival’s biggest draws will be the meet-and-greets with the YouTuber Timba and his fans. Since its opening on December 26th, Planeta Gran Canaria has welcomed over 18,000 visitors who have enjoyed its wide range of […]
[ssba url="/en/news/planet-gran-canaria-exceeds-18000-visitors-and-invites-you-to-enjoy-its-last-days"]La artesanía elaborada en Gran Canaria vuelve a San Telmo para celebrar la 30ª edición de su feria navideña
El presidente del Cabildo inauguró hoy la tradicional muestra, que reunirá hasta el 5 de enero a 103 artesanos insulares procedentes de 19 municipios Como cada año desde 1994, tradición, arte y creatividad vuelven a darse cita por Navidad en la Feria de Artesanía de Gran Canaria San Telmo, que hoy ha abierto las puertas […]
[ssba url="/en/news/la-artesania-elaborada-en-gran-canaria-vuelve-a-san-telmo-para-celebrar-la-30a-edicion-de-su-feria-navidena"]Handcrafted products from Gran Canaria return to San Telmo for the 30th edition of its Christmas fair.
The president of the Cabildo inaugurated the traditional exhibition, which will bring together 103 island artisans from 19 municipalities until January 5. As it has every year since 1994, tradition, art, and creativity converge once again for Christmas at the Gran Canaria San Telmo Crafts Fair. The 30th edition opened its doors today with the […]
[ssba url="/en/news/handcrafted-products-from-gran-canaria-return-to-san-telmo-for-the-30th-edition-of-its-christmas-fair"]Planeta Gran Canaria abre sus puertas a la Navidad más divertida y familiar con el mayor espacio de ocio de la isla
Desde hoy y hasta el 4 de enero, se podrá disfrutar de actividades lúdicas y educativas pensadas para toda la familia Fantasía, diversión y aprendizaje caracterizan una propuesta de ocio donde también tiene cabida la inclusión, con opciones adaptadas para niños, niñas y jóvenes con TEA u otra atención especial Planeta Gran Canaria ha abierto […]
[ssba url="/en/news/planeta-gran-canaria-abre-sus-puertas-a-la-navidad-mas-divertida-y-familiar-con-el-mayor-espacio-de-ocio-de-la-isla"]Planeta Gran Canaria returns this Christmas with its 24th edition full of fun and solidarity.
Infecar will host this festival from December 26th to January 4th, offering a program packed with recreational and educational activities for the whole family The event also reinforces its social commitment by collaborating with the Food Bank of Las Palmas through a significant collection of essential products Infecar, the Gran Canaria Fairground, is again preparing […]
[ssba url="/en/news/planeta-gran-canaria-returns-this-christmas-with-its-24th-edition-full-of-fun-and-solidarity"]The 40th Canary Islands Craft Fair showcases the dedication and artisanal talent of the eight islands until Sunday
Spinning wheels looms, lathes and jewellery tools that blend traditional techniques with modern innovations surprise local visitors and tourists. Gran Canaria, December 6, 2024. Maspalomas continues to be the epicentre of culture and tradition this weekend with the 40th Regional Craft Fair of the Canary Islands. Until Sunday, December 8, near the Maspalomas Lighthouse, the […]
[ssba url="/en/news/the-40th-canary-islands-craft-fair-showcases-the-dedication-and-artisanal-talent-of-the-eight-islands-until-sunday"]