
The Spanish trade fair sector celebrates a new Global Exhibitions Day at a time of growth in activity

  • In this edition of GED, the campaign emphasizes the message: “Trade fairs are catalysts for a sustainable future”
  • In 2023, a total of 433 fairs were held with almost 6.5 million visitors and 55,200 exhibitors, and an economic impact of 13 billion euros

On Wednesday, June 5, the members of the Spanish Trade Fairs Association (AFE) and the trade fair sector celebrate the ninth edition of Global Exhibitions Day (GED). This initiative is promoted by UFI-The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, the leading global association of the sector, based in Paris, which brings together companies, organizations, entities and professionals from more than 100 countries every year. AFE is a member of UFI, as are 43 other national and regional associations that support it in their areas of influence.

The main goal of this Global Exhibitions Day celebration is to promote awareness and perception of the relevance and economic and social impact of trade fair activity. In this edition, the GED campaign revolves especially around one message: “Exhibitions are catalysts to sustainable futures”.

Other messages associated with GED are: “Trade fairs drive progress: they are platforms to discuss, create and showcase solutions to our universal challenges; Trade fairs facilitate economic growth: they are drivers of economic growth, connect sectors and boost job creation; Trade fairs are sustainable: they are a sustainable way to drive business and development, bringing communities together in one place and managing our environmental impact; Trade fairs connect people: they build communities and bring people together face-to-face to connect, collaborate and contribute”.

The president of AFE, Xabier Basañez, said, “Celebrating the international day of the sector at a time of growth is a true satisfaction for AFE members. In this edition of GED, we want to highlight the role of trade fairs as catalysts for a sustainable future while stressing their importance as an engine of progress and economic growth and a means of connecting people. We join professionals from numerous countries who also celebrate this date, which is so special for the trade fair industry, in the 9th edition of Global Exhibitions Day”.

AFE, like other equivalent trade fair associations worldwide, has been disseminating messages and infographics about Global Exhibitions Day for weeks through its website and on social networks. The association’s members, as in previous years, have joined this communication campaign and have scheduled various activities to commemorate this day and celebrate it with professionals from other countries and regions: videos recorded for the occasion, sending newsletters and press releases, internal staff events, messages on social networks, web banners, institutional statements, group photos with GED images, among others. As an example, Feria Valencia informs us that they will illuminate the dome of the Events Center; the Valladolid Fair will have a day related to the economic impact of fairs; FYCMA, the Malaga Trade Fair and Congress Center have designed a mini-campaign on social networks among other actions.

The Spanish Trade Fair market

Regarding the activity of the members of the Spanish Trade Fairs Association, the data corresponding to the fairs held in 2023 are as follows:

o Total number of fairs held: 433 (422 in 2022).
o Number of exhibitors: 55,254 (+12% compared to 2022).
o Total net area occupied by exhibitors: 3,671,000 m2 (+16.1%).
o Total number of visitors: 6,501,300 (+9%).
o Other registered virtual visitors: 503,945 (745,940 in 2022).

On the other hand, the data related to the annual impact of the Spanish trade fair market as a whole are:

o Economic impact: 13,000 million euros (direct, indirect and induced production).
o Contribution to GDP: 6,500 million euros (direct, indirect and induced GDP).
o Direct and indirect jobs generated by trade fair activity: 123,000.

The figures show the evolution and outstanding importance of the trade fair sector in terms of economic impact and job creation. The association also foresees an excellent 2024 in terms of fairs held and other parameters, as has been noted through our members’ communications throughout Spain.
Trade fairs do not yet receive the valuation and attention that, from our point of view, they deserve, despite being indispensable instruments for companies in different economic sectors, while having a high impact in the regions where they are held, positively affecting a wide variety of activities and generating employment and wealth.

The global trade fair market

To verify the importance of sectorial activity, we recall the main figures calculated by Oxford Economics that UFI has disseminated regarding the global trade fair market:

– Fairs: 32,000 annually
– Exhibitors: 4.8 million
– Visitors: 353 million
– Net occupied area: 147 million square meters
– Contribution to GDP: 179,000 million euros (direct, indirect and induced GDP)
– Direct and indirect jobs generated by trade fair activity: 3.4 million

The Spanish Trade Fairs Association, a non-profit entity that was established in 1964, currently has 38 associate members and represents the trade fair sector in Spain and internationally. In terms of trade fair activity, Spain is among the main countries in Europe, along with Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom.
More information about GED:



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