Infecar to host the immersive exhibition ‘The World of Van Gogh’.

From 20 August, Infecar will be hosting ‘Van Gogh’s World’, a journey through the artist’s work with technological advances that provide a three-dimensionality that takes the viewer into a 360º sensory universe that is completely immersive.

Visitors will be able to enter the artist’s mind, see the world through his eyes, understand, feel and breathe his unique works of art in a multimedia area in which the surfaces are impregnated with colours from floor to ceiling.

The senses are the true protagonists of this exhibition, where not only the most advanced animation has been used, but also aromas and an original soundtrack created by the Spanish composer Adrián Berenguer will invite you to discover the Dutch genius in a captivating and unique way.

Thus, until 8 October, Infecar’s Pavilion 6 will become a doorway into the interior of Vincent Van Gogh, one of the most enigmatic and renowned painters in the world of art history, in an exhibition that will transport children and adults alike to the mid-19th century.

Buy your ticket here and enjoy feeling inside the eternal starry night, observing Van Gogh’s self-portraits and recreating yourself in his infinite landscapes. We are waiting for you!





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