The translation into English is: Navalia Meeting successfully concludes its second edition in Gran Canariaia.

The solutions and future opportunities related to offshore wind energy dominated the discussion of this second and final day of the congress. This event also created a space for debate and discussion on the state of the oil and repair market, the naval sector from a regional perspective, and the future of Spain’s military naval industry.

The second edition of the Navalia Meeting concluded this Friday, September 22, at Infecar, having brought together more than 300 participants, aiming to share innovative experiences to address the challenges of the present and future of the naval sector.

Navalia Meeting is a high-level technical congress that complements the activities of Navalia in odd-numbered years, the leading trade fair for this industry in northern Spain, held biennially. It has become the main promotional tool for the Spanish naval sector and an international meeting point for marine industry companies.

Thus, hosting this congress, which is the most important nationally and the third in Europe, represents a significant step in the policies implemented at the island level to promote the blue economy and to work closely with the transportation sector, naval repairs, and the port sector in general.

Moreover, the activity of the naval industry accounts for between 7 and 8 per cent of Spain’s GDP and enjoys significant international recognition and prestige. This forms part of the ‘Marca España’ concept that encompasses leading sectors with a strong international presence. This sector is particularly focused in some coastal regions of the country, especially in the Canary Islands, and more specifically, in the Port of Las Palmas.

The president of Navalia, José García Costas, wanted to thank all the authorities, sponsors, and participants for their efforts and support for this event, ensuring that the Navalia Meeting is here to stay and contribute to promoting a strategic sector for economic diversification.

This second day was marked by a roundtable moderated by José J. Hernández, CEO of PLOCAN, with the participation of organizations like Navantia Seaenergies, Aquawind, Gazelle Wind Power, and Capital Energy. The discussion revolved around the state of offshore wind energy and its future prospects. The day concluded with remarks from the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of the Canary Islands Government, Francisco Javier González Díaz.

Acknowledgements for Business Careers

Last night, there was a recognition ceremony for one of the most recognized personalities in the regional and national naval industry, Mr. German Suarez, the driving force behind Astican, who passed away a few years ago. The award was received by his son. Another award was granted to now-retired Vice Admiral Manuel Antonio Martínez Ruiz for his over 40 years of service to the naval sector from the Spanish Navy.

Navalia Meeting is promoted by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, co-organized by Infecar, Feria de Gran Canaria, and Muéstralo. It collaborates with the Canary Islands Maritime Cluster; Fedeport; Proexca; and is sponsored by the Ports of Las Palmas; the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council through Ciudad de Mar; the Concello de Vigo and the Xunta de Galicia, as well as various naval sector companies.



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