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Gran Canaria Conference Centre, a gastronomic, musical and international stage for the month of July

Throughout the month of July, the Gran Canaria Conference Centre has maintained its activity, serving as a space to host various events and activities for institutions and companies.

Thus, the month began with the celebration of the III Meeting of Participatory and Associative Practices in Gran Canaria, a day of work and celebration in which associations and ‘Participa Gran Canaria’ met again to continue strengthening social groups in their role as promoters and direct agents of citizen participation and empowerment.

The 2nd International Cheese Forum came to our venue on 11 and 12 July to vindicate the quality and history of the Gran Canarian product and position its value as a tourist attraction. The Forum featured a varied programme of culinary demonstrations, technical seminars, master classes and workshops in which the peculiar characteristics of our extraordinary cheeses were demonstrated.

The Sala Canarias witnessed the enthusiasm of a hundred students on a very special day, the day of their graduation. This month, the students of the Computer Engineering and Physical Activity and Sport Sciences degrees of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria took to the stage.

The play ‘La ansiedad no mata pero fatiga’, starring Patricia Ramírez and Rafa Blanca, also chose the Sala Canarias del Palacio de Congresos Gran Canaria for its premiere on the island. A fun and entertaining staging whose aim is to ensure that the audience leaves the theatre happier than when they entered and with simple tools to help them manage uncomfortable emotions such as anxiety.

Actors and more than 120 children and young people flooded the Sala Canarias to perform the Alexia Rodríguez Artistic Education end-of-year ballet ‘Planeta A57’, a musical full of magic and fun in which Loreta, a scientist and one of the last humans left alive, studies how she can save humanity from extinction.

In addition, the Gran Canaria Conference Centre was once again chosen to host DeepLearn 2022 Summer, one of the world’s most important congresses on artificial intelligence and neuroscience, which held its sixth edition from 25 to 29 July. The nearly 500 attendees from 26 countries learned artificial intelligence mechanisms for the analysis of medical images, as well as how to apply machine learning to physics and chemistry, among other subjects.

Finally, the Gran Canaria Suena cycle of music and entertainment transformed our venue into an open-air auditorium during the weekends of this month.

Many thanks to the companies and institutions that have placed their trust in the Gran Canaria Conference Centre to hold their events.

You can see all the photos of the events here.




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