
Fisaldo closes its 23rd edition with a great success of visitors, receiving more than 23,000 people in Infecar.

The Opportunities Fair has consolidated its position as one of the most popular fairs, increasing participation and visitors
With 63 exhibitors and around twenty complementary activities, Fisaldo revitalises local commerce and is very well-received by the business community

Fisaldo 2023, the Opportunities Fair, closed its doors today after five days of shopping at the best prices at Infecar, consolidating itself as one of the most popular fairs in Gran Canaria and recovering the pre-pandemic figures with a significant increase in visitors and business volume. Fisaldo closes its 23rd edition with more than 23,000 visitors, who have enjoyed the offers of the 63 participating exhibitors and an intense programme of complementary activities.

Fisaldo 2023 reached pre-pandemic figures by registering more than 23,000 visitors from Wednesday, 31 May, until 4 June, when the 23rd edition of the Opportunities Fair closed. This visitor increase translates into more business, consolidating Fisaldo as a meeting point for small and medium-sized companies in Gran Canaria and a dynamic event for the local economy.

Promoted and financed by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and organised by Infecar, Feria de Gran Canaria, Fisaldo has been the place and the occasion for buyers looking for quality products at the best price while at the same time helping businesses to free up stock for the new seasons. The special prices and the wide variety of products on offer, with exhibitors from fashion, footwear, swimwear, accessories, children’s fashion, furniture, electrical appliances, entertainment, beauty and perfumery, among other sectors, have attracted thousands of shoppers to discover Fisaldo’s proposals and save money with their purchases at Infecar.

The technical coordinator for Economic Development, Energy Sustainability, Climate and Knowledge of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Raúl García Brink, said he was “delighted with the results” of this 23rd edition of Fisaldo, where the public “have been able to find bargains that are difficult to find during the season” if it is “the opportunity to find the product they are looking for at a special price”. In the same way, for the business community, it also represents “a formula for freeing up part of that stock”, so for the 63 participating exhibitors, it is also “an opportunity” that has had “magnificent results”.

Raúl García Brink celebrated “the great participation and volume of visitors at this edition”, which has been “spectacular”, which means “more than fulfilling the objectives set for Fisaldo 2023”, which was “to recover the pulse after the pandemic”. Moreover, with the figures achieved after these five days of shopping, “Fisaldo is consolidating its position with a great response from the public”, and the participating exhibitors, who have been very satisfied with the level of sales, have confirmed this.

Yaret Jacobo de la Nuez, from Cofabe, has made his debut in this edition and is “very happy with the sales”, as they have exceeded their forecasts in bedding products, pillows, mattresses and sofas. With a wide range of products, this company specialising in rest ensures it will return next year.

Lola Romero-Girón, from the Lolita Pluma stand, had participated by sharing a space; this year, she has opted to have one of her own. “This year, there were more people, and they are more willing to buy”, she said. Chains and anklets for the summer were the best-selling products.

José Manuel Conde, the partner of the van camperisation company, IslaFurgo Camper, confessed that he was “pleased with the participation in Fisaldo” as “they have exceeded their expectations in terms of sales and attracting new customers for the future”.

A Sunday to enjoy shopping with the family

At Fisaldo 2023, shopping and entertainment went hand in hand, with a gastronomic area with seven full food trucks that were the ideal place to recharge your batteries. Live performances were an attractive complement to this area, which today featured the talent of saxophonist Juan Martín to liven up the day.

Hall 5 was equally packed with the famous Fisaldo catwalks, where brands such as Ragat Stock showed fashion proposals for the beach or the pool for day-to-day and formal events. Guerrero & Damfilter was also applauded, offering their unique products with screen-printed prints with their Canarian stamp. Finally, the top Trendz & PC Store showed the most comfortable way to enjoy the summer, with swimwear and a flashy parade full of colour. These were some of the products, among others, that the 28 lucky winners of the ‘Dinero Fisaldo’ raffle, who won a cheque for 100 euros to spend at the exhibitors, could also purchase.

The 23rd edition of Fisaldo, the Fair of Opportunities, is promoted and financed by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and organised by Infecar, with Cajasiete as an official collaborator and the Chamber of Commerce of Gran Canaria as a partner.



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