ExpoDeca 2024 showcases the rise of native sports in the Archipelago

  • The 1st Congress and Fair of Physical Activity and Sport of the Canary Islands, to be held at Infecar from November 14 to 17, will highlight the impact of native disciplines with various demonstrations and open spaces for public participation and practice.
  • Disciplines such as Canarian wrestling, Latin sailing, stick fighting, the Canarian ball game, or the shepherd’s leap will be prominently featured during the event.
  • Traditional Canarian games will also be part of the playroom offering that ExpoDeca will reserve for family audiences.

The thriving state of Canarian native sports, their prospects, and the rich cultural heritage they embody will be distinctive features of the 1st Congress and Fair of Physical Activity and Sport of the Canary Islands, taking place from November 14 to 17 at Infecar. Indeed, ExpoDeca 2024 will serve as a showcase for disciplines such as Canarian wrestling, the Canarian ball game, the shepherd’s leap, or stick fighting, alongside Latin Canarian sailing and even traditional games deeply rooted in the islands. The native disciplines will have dedicated spaces for their promotion, demonstration, and public participation. This will be the first major gathering for the world of sports in the Canary Islands, featuring public and private entities, academic institutions and schools, federations and clubs, and brands and companies, all aiming to support the sector’s development.

ExpoDeca 2024 is promoted by the Government of the Canary Islands, through the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, Physical Activity, and Sports, and organized by the Cabildo of Gran Canaria and Infecar, Feria de Gran Canaria.

Admission to ExpoDeca 2024 will be free. Interested attendees can already reserve their spot on the event’s official website, expodeca.es. The site provides updated information about the fair, and entities and companies interested in participating can also formalize their presence at this unprecedented sports event in the Canary Islands.

Besides serving as a forum for the development of sports, healthy habits, and sports tourism, ExpoDeca 2024 will also transform into a large theme park for athletes and practitioners of various disciplines, with open participation for the audience and top-level exhibitions and tournaments. Football, handball, volleyball, pickleball, climbing, archery, gymnastics, fencing, and weightlifting will all feature prominently. Moreover, there will be a large fitness area dedicated to sports and health, and the fair will also host the Gran Canaria Crow Challenge on November 16 and 17, a major event in the world of fitness and cross-training, featuring top athletes from the Canary Islands, Spain, and other countries. Padel will also shine at ExpoDeca, with the Challenger Kia from Club El Drago, the IV Canary Islands Minor Teams Cup, and exhibitions and open-door events for practising this sport, many of which will have the support of certified instructors.

In this great celebration of Canarian sports, native disciplines will also take centre stage, including a tatami for Canarian wrestling exhibitions and open practices, as well as specific areas dedicated to promoting sports such as stick fighting, shepherd’s leap, or the Canarian ball game.

All these disciplines will occupy open spaces at Infecar, adding a significant element of Canarian tradition and culture to the celebration of ExpoDeca 2024. Moreover, exhibitions of events like stone lifting or plough lifting are also being considered.

The promotion and practice of native sports are coordinated with the various federations, which play a key role in designing the native sports program at ExpoDeca and act as intermediaries with the various clubs. This ensures that spectators are encouraged to participate and experience these unique sports firsthand.

This approach is also applied to creating a solid and participatory program for all disciplines at the fair, not just the native ones. The federation’s role is considered essential in organizing such a strategically significant event in the Canary Islands, a region with nearly 200,000 registered athletes and a growing impact of healthy living habits among the population.

In this context of promoting native sports, Canarian Latin sailing will also be a part of ExpoDeca 2024. The fair will feature two boats on display, allowing attendees to examine their unique characteristics and gain a deeper understanding of this iconic sailing tradition in the islands.

Additionally, the organization is preparing a ticketing system to encourage sailing experiences on these boats, scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday, November 16, at the Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria.

Traditional Games

Another highlight for family audiences at ExpoDeca 2024 will be its playroom, set up in one of the fair’s indoor spaces. These areas, designed for the enjoyment of all ages, will also promote Canarian traditions.

Games such as *calabazo*, *pina*, or *billarda* will be featured among the options available for active participation at the fair. Attendees will also be drawn to games like spinning tops, hopscotch, or elastic jumping. Additionally, wooden carts from Tacoronte will be part of the event, with plans to create a track for carts of various sizes.

Open Registration for Exhibitors

The organization of ExpoDeca 2024 continues working on delivering an ambitious program of activities for the entire sports sector in the Canary Islands. Institutions, entities, or companies interested in participating can register via the event’s official website, expodeca.es.



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