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Examples of best practices and development of innovative projects complement the program of the 1st Ecoislas Forum

  • This event will turn Gran Canaria into the epicenter of reflection on circular and blue economy, energy, water and mobility, adaptation to climate change and regenerative tourism.
  • Tickets to attend this Forum, to be held on February 2nd and 3rd at Infecar, are on sale on the website, with the option of attending the entire event or one of the two days.

The 1st International Ecoislas Forum, which will take place on February 2nd and 3rd and is promoted and financed by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and organized by Infecar, will place the island at the center of the continental debate on strategies for the ecological transition, seen from the insular approach and from the multifaceted vision of international, national and local experts.

The extensive program presented by the Forum, with the participation of four international experts and more than 60 speakers from academic, administrative, financial, business and social sectors to deepen the four main axes for a real and efficient change: circular and blue economy; energy, water and mobility; adaptation to climate change; and regenerative tourism, two parallel activities are added.

On the one hand, the working tables of European Projects land in this International Forum Ecoislas on the afternoon of Thursday, February 2 in order to create synergies with innovative initiatives that are being developed with European grants (Interreg, LIFE, H2020).

These tables are the ideal space to create transnational networks to help implement initiatives, pilot projects and others in the island areas, as they are ideal testing grounds to implement these measures for evaluation before extending them to the mainland.

The fact is that islands are extremely sensitive to climatic alterations, which is why these territories should encourage and promote the development of technologies, new management models, etc., that help to mitigate these effects in the medium and long term.

With all this in mind, these working groups arise from the Life Nieblas initiative, led by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. An innovative project that has been developed and implemented on the island of Gran Canaria and has made the leap to the mainland, thanks to the excellent results obtained.

Thus, from 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 2, the first of the two meetings of these European Project working groups will be held, with the participation of different technicians from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and the Canary Islands Foundation for Reforestation (Foresta).

At 6 p.m. the second of these tables will take place, in this case, with the sharing of the projects of the University of Crete – Museum of Natural History of Crete.

Greening The Islands

This first International Ecoislands Forum will also be, in parallel, the venue for the first edition of the Greening The Islands (GTI) Observatory Summit, which addresses the need for a meeting of world leaders for sustainable transition focused on islands, as well as being an opportunity for the host islands, such as Gran Canaria on this occasion, to showcase their decarbonization strategy, disseminate good practices and promote their territory.

This annual summit is addressed to the two main committees of the organization: an island advisory committee and the scientific committee of the strategy. Thus, the objective of this operational meeting is to define the roadmap for the coming year, building on last year’s work in technology, policy and finance.

GTI will provide the basis for discussion by presenting the first Observatory Report, starting at 12.00 noon on Thursday, February 2, which includes the results of the work done in the different thematic areas of the circular economy of the islands, as well as the good practices collected from members and partners.

In addition, the closing of the Ecoislas International Forum will coincide with the ninth edition of the Greening The Islands awards ceremony, which will take place at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 3. In addition, GTI will also participate in this Forum with special guests to enrich the discussion on the latest island intelligence with testimonies and content in an operational meeting. Participants will have the opportunity to strengthen cooperation, originate new partnerships and initiatives and produce recommendations for central governments.

Tickets on sale now

Thus, on February 2 and 3, Infecar will become the perfect place to enable a space for discussion, proposals and promotion of measures aimed at promoting the integral transition to a greener, more profitable, more self-sufficient and environmentally sustainable socio-economic model with an insular approach.

Those interested in taking part in this event can purchase their tickets to attend either a single session or the two sessions that make up the full program at The price is 7.50 euros for one day and 15 euros for two days, in the case of students; and 15 euros and 30 euros, respectively, in the case of professionals.

This I International Ecoislas Forum is sponsored by Cajasiete, as official collaborator; with the sponsorship of Ewaste, Fundación Canarias Recicla, Astican and Inetel; the participation of Greening The Islands, Proyectos Europeos and Mac Clima; and with the collaboration of the Consejo Insular de la Energía, Spegc, the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the Clúster Marítimo de Canarias, the Consejo Insular de Aguas de Gran Canaria, the Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias, the Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, Gesplan and the Chamber of Commerce of Gran Canaria.




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