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Nearly 10,000 people have already enjoyed the 22nd edition of Planeta Gran Canaria

Planeta Gran Canaria was eager to come back and this has been demonstrated by the nearly 10,000 visitors who have already come to Infecar to enjoy this universe of fun. Since it opened its doors last Wednesday, December 28th, and until today, thousands of families have visited this 22nd edition with the excitement of meeting again one of the most popular fairs of the island.

Planeta Gran Canaria is the ideal place to live a positive family experience in which entertainment predominates, with a program of activities that promote social and family values; leisure time, where to encourage and strengthen family and social relationships, through a program of activities designed to promote and develop personal and social skills; and with an attractive and educational content.

With almost thirty activities, divided into Planeta Aventura, Planeta Desafío, Planeta de Luz y Color, Planeta Diversión, Planeta Inclusivo, Planeta Recreo and Planeta Digital, the fair is once again a space of fun, illusion and fantasy for all the families of Gran Canaria, making it possible for them to share educational leisure time on such special dates.

Tickets and schedules

With all this, Planeta Gran Canaria is open every day, until next January 4, 2023, from 10.00 to 20.30 hours, except tomorrow, December 31, which will remain closed, and January 1, 2023, which will welcome the new year from 16.00 to 20.30 hours.

Tickets to be part of this edition can be obtained through the website and at the box office. On this occasion, the cost of the general admission ticket is five euros; the cost of the pack of four tickets is 16 euros; and the pack of more than ten tickets has a unit cost of 3.50 euros.

Likewise, and as usual, Planeta Gran Canaria has free admission for children under three years of age, unemployed, pensioners, retired persons and disabled persons, provided they can prove their condition at the entrance to the venue.

This 22nd edition of Planeta Gran Canaria is promoted and financed by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria; organized by Infecar; sponsored by the Disa Foundation, El Corte Inglés, Playland Gran Canaria and Isola; with Cajasiete as official collaborator; and the collaboration of the Chamber of Commerce of Gran Canaria, CocaCola; the Accessible Gran Canaria program of the Institute of Social and Socio-sanitary Care; the National Park of GuGuy; the World Heritage Institute and Biosphere Reserve; the Food Bank of Las Palmas.



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