Animundo focuses on education and care of pets in its fifth edition

  • Tickets for the fair, to be held this Saturday, November 26 and Sunday, November 27, are available both on the website and at the ticket offices at the entrance to the fairgrounds.
  • As is traditional, Animundo will be holding eight sessions of the adoption catwalks, in collaboration with the Albergue Insular del Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

Everything is ready for the fifth edition of Animundo, the Companion Animal Fair, to return to Infecar this weekend. Promoted and financed by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and organized by Infecar, this fair returns on Saturday November 26 and Sunday November 27 with the aim of being the meeting point for all pet lovers.

Tickets, which cost 1.50 euros, can be purchased on the website and at the ticket offices at the entrance to the fairgrounds. In addition, those who wish can come to Infecar with their dogs free of charge.

So, Animundo will be held both Saturday and Sunday, from 10.30 a.m. to 8 p.m., with a total of 16 exhibitors and a varied program of talks, workshops and exhibitions, in addition to the traditional adoption catwalks featuring 35 to 40 dogs from the Albergue Insular del Cabildo de Gran Canaria shelter.

With all this, the Companion Animal Fair has established itself as the reference space for professionals, families and animal lovers, who can find in a single enclosure all the products and services for the responsible care of pets (in no case the sale of animals).

In this sense, this year the fair will have four groups of exhibitors, on the one hand, services for animals; on the other hand, food stores and products for their enjoyment; in addition to animal welfare services and professional training.

Informative program

As usual, in addition to the exhibition space, Animundo will feature an extensive program of talks, workshops and exhibitions, which can also be followed live, via streaming, on Infecar’s YouTube channel. Thus, the program will start at 11.00 a.m. on Saturday 26th with a talk and workshop on ‘Practice sports with your dog. Discover Agility’, by Manuel Álvarez, from Deportes Caninos Lomo Salas. Then, at 11.45 a.m. will start the talk ‘The vision of the law from the veterinary point of view’, by María Luisa Fernández, president of the College of Veterinarians of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and councilor of the General Council of the College of Veterinarians of Spain.

The first of the eight sessions of adoption walkways that this year’s Animundo will feature is scheduled for 12:15 pm. It’s important to remember that to make the adoptions it will be necessary to be in person at Infecar to complete the necessary paperwork and start a new journey in the company of your most faithful friend, with all the guarantees offered by the Island Shelter of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, managed by the Department of the Environment.

Already at 13.20 hours, Sarai González, from ATAP Canarias, will carry out the outdoor workshop ‘Canine education free of punishment’, before starting, at 13.45 hours, the second catwalk of adoptions.

The afternoon session will begin at 4:00 p.m. with Carmen Díaz, from the Tourism Board of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, who will be in charge of presenting the program ‘Gran Canaria Pets Welcome’, of the above mentioned institution. At 4.45 p.m. it will be the turn of Teodoro Mariscal, from the Bocalán Foundation, who will talk about the ‘Educational potential of pets and the keys to interspecific communication’.

At 5.40 p.m. we will have the third catwalk of adoptions and at 7.15 p.m., the last of the day. In between, at 6.45 p.m., Danilo José Suárez, veterinarian, will delve into ‘The cat of the 21st century’.

Sunday will begin at 11.30 a.m. with an exhibition on ‘Poison detection demonstration’. The first of the four sessions of adoption catwalks scheduled for Sunday will start at 12:00 noon, with the remaining sessions at 1:45 pm, 5:40 pm and 7:15 pm.

The informative program of Animundo, the Companion Animal Fair, will continue at 1 p.m. with a talk on ‘Violence against animals’, given by Yeray López, local police officer of Villa de Ingenio. He will be followed by Marta Foulquié, veterinarian and specialist in animal rehabilitation, who will give a talk on ‘Physiotherapy and rehabilitation in small animals’.

For the afternoon session, starting at 4:00 p.m., there will be a new session of the talk and workshop on ‘Practice sports with your dog. Discover Agility’, by Manuel Álvarez, from Deportes Caninos Lomo Salas. The closing of the informative program of this edition will be given by AnimalFeel, with a talk on ‘Everything you need to know when you take your dog to a doggy park’, by Manuel Álvarez, from Deportes Caninos Lomo Salas.



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