Acción de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Riego de árboles con Foresta en la Finca de Osorio

Infecar shows its compromise with the environment in a day of water irrigation together with the Foresta Foundation.

On September 30th, our team participated in the last action of the Foresta Foundation’s 2023 irrigation campaign. We understand the importance of working to contain the desertification process our land is currently undergoing.

This social responsibility activity falls under the Infecar Impulsa umbrella, which represents our commitment to the economic and social development of Gran Canaria. We consider ourselves an engine and promoter of the business fabric of our island.

Through this task, we aspire to take part in environmental projects and initiatives that promote teamwork and a change in social awareness. This day was an opportunity to reflect on the significance of repopulating the island by planting trees and maintaining these repopulations through watering days like our team carried out.

At Infecar, we strive to cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the environment and a proactive approach to environmental issues. We aspire to create a better place for ourselves and future generations by promoting change and respect for the environment. We want to be responsible, sustainable and honest with our surroundings.

About Foresta

Foresta is a non-profit organization dedicated to the recovery, maintenance, and conservation of the forests in the Canary Islands. Their mission is to slow down the severe process of desertification and erosion that the islands are facing through reforestation efforts. By doing so, they aim to preserve and enhance the exceptional environmental and cultural heritage of the Canary Islands.




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