On its second day, FIMAR opens a window onto training and knowledge in the marine environment

The International Maritime Fair FIMAR 2022 has returned this year in a new location, the surroundings of the Santa Catalina Quay, with full capacity of attraction for the large number of people who have come to its spaces on this second day, Saturday 21 May. A day which has corroborated the fair’s capacity to act as a window to knowledge and professional academic development in the marine environment, thanks to the action of its exhibitors. Public and private entities that show the wide range of possibilities that are opening up in the field of the blue economy in the city and the island of Gran Canaria.

With almost sixty exhibitors present at FIMAR, visitors were able to see first-hand the details and access to different branches of knowledge of the academic offer of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC): from Marine Sciences (a reference faculty in Spain) to other fields such as languages (essential in the international maritime business).

The academic institution has brought to FIMAR organisations such as the University Institute of Sustainable Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems (ECOAQUA), the University Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications (IATEXT), the Faculty of Philology, the Biological Oceanography Group, the Canary Islands Harmful Algae Observatory (OCHABS), the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, the SIANI (Division of Robotics and Computational Oceanography) and the University Institute of Animal Health and Food Safety (IUSA).

All of them propose different fields of knowledge linked to the development of the blue economy and marine research, strategic activities in the future development of Gran Canaria. In this sense, the organisations Gestión y Planeamiento Territorial y Medioambiental (GESPLAN) and PLOCAN, the Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias (Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands) also have an active presence at FIMAR.

The IFP Marítimo Pesquero de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is also showing its training offer at the big event in the cruise ship dock, in a fundamental sector in port and coastal activity, with a great tradition in the Canary Islands.


Access to surfing sports from the point of view of the uninitiated is also possible at FIMAR, where visitors can find schools where they can plan their learning. And to learn more about a sector, the sliding sports sector, to which this edition of the fair devotes special attention, as managers of the economic development of the island.

On this point, four town councils are present in Santa Catalina, consolidated as venues for major international events and competitions in this field: those of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gáldar, Santa Lucía de Tirajana and La Aldea de San Nicolás. Institutions that are already experts in the production of these sporting events, with all their knock-on effect on the local economy.

Offshore, drones, marine or insurance

Throughout the exhibitors’ layout at FIMAR it is also possible to find out about other much more specific training possibilities. For example, those aimed at workers in the offshore sector, which covers activities carried out in areas of deep water and which require the action of a specialised fleet with a high degree of technological development. Or the piloting of drones, which have already become a fundamental tool in port and maritime operations. Or even more specific sections such as rescue or robotics.

Different exhibitors dedicated to the nautical field also provide access to the information necessary for training in the navigation of these vessels. The National Association of Professional Yacht Patrons (ANPPER) and the Association of recreational sailors (ANAVRE) are also present at the fair. And there is also a stand with nautical fashion.

On the other hand, a sector as specific as insurance, in addition to showing its commercial offer, shows the relevance it has acquired (with its own peculiarities) in the maritime and nautical universe.

Port sector

The port and maritime sector itself, with equipment and equipment firms, is obviously one of the sectors with the greatest presence at the fair, which also included companies linked to tourism. In general, all segments related to the blue economy are represented at this edition of FIMAR.

In all these – and other – sections are represented in FIMAR companies such as ONEUP, Rolnautic Las Palmas, Marmare, Remolques Canarios, Motonáutica Las Palmas, Academia Náutica Arcos, Onblu Soluciones, Fifo Diving, Grupo Stier, Taliarte Distribuciones Nauticas, APS Motor Canarias, LadyBugs’s Cris, Piragüismo Alcaravaneras, Bauer Kompressoren, Marconn, Ferryhopper, AloNáutica, Keep Sailing, Canarias verde a granel,Seguros Catalana Occidente, FIATC Seguros, Caser, Ocean Side Travel, Marine Nacho Sport, Activa Canaria, Algarden, Robotdrónica, Náutica Motor, Brisa School, Poema del Mar, Dreamsea Surf School, Gran Canaria Blue, Navalia Yachting Club, Náutica El Pris, NewPort, Alisios Sailing Center or Motoras Náuticas Islas Canarias.

The Navy

The Navy also has an important participation in FIMAR, with a large stand and with the possibility offered to the public to visit one of the Maritime Action Vessels (BAM) that are stationed at the nearby Naval Base, and that for this special occasion remains docked in Santa Catalina.

These BAMs provide the Navy with modular vessels that can be used for different purposes and for different types of missions. From research to maritime action in the strict sense of the word. In fact, these ships have become the main protagonists of the Naval Base’s activity in recent years. In addition to carrying out major voyages, either to train their crews or to act as support forces in larger operations.

Sailing and activity at sea

The main protagonists of the fair are undoubtedly the entities with which demonstrations on the water and sea baptisms have also been programmed, such as the Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, the Federación de Vela Latina Canaria de Botes, the Federación Insular de Vela de Gran Canaria and the Club Deportivo Marítimo Varadero de Gran Canaria.

Their boats and, essentially, their members, are a rising value in the city when it comes to transmitting the passion for sailing. The large number of people attending FIMAR were able to enjoy these activities at sea on these first days, in one of the most outstanding features of the atmosphere generated throughout the cruise ship dock.

Boat trips and educational sessions

Within this atmosphere, it is also remarkable the attendance to the sea trips on the boats provided by the Port of Las Palmas, as well as the land excursions programmed on board the tourist bus, a service provided in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria by the firm City Sightseeing.

These trips, freely accessible on a first-come, first-served basis, are undoubtedly one of the great attractions of FIMAR for the public, who can also access the programme of free talks in the hall set up for this purpose in the exhibition centre. During the morning of Saturday 21 May, the talks ‘Sustainability of maritime transport from the ship’s point of view’ (with Manuel J. Chica González and Alba Martínez López), ‘The oceans, our greatest allies against climate change’ (with Beatriz Fernández Gómez) and ‘Microplastics in the deep sea’ (with Beatriz Fernández Gómez) were activated. Microplastics in the deep waters of the Canary Islands and their arrival from the Atlantic Ocean’ (with Daura Vega Moreno), and ‘Analysis of metabolites in micro and macroalgae’ (with Ana María Baracaldo Méndez).

In the afternoon, the sessions ‘From sea bass to the hospital bed: Can a marine probiotic prevent sepsis? (with Rafael Alayón Afonso, 16:00), ‘Letras saladas: océanos, literatura y compromiso’ (with Carmen Márquez Montes, 17:00), ‘El potencial del buceo con tiburones en las Islas Canarias’ (with Pedro Gonzáles Mantilla, 18:00) and ‘Fuentes hidrotermales profundas: la emisión de micronutrientes en el fondo del mar’ (with David González Santana, 19:00).

The International Sea Fair is an event promoted by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Puertos de Las Palmas, and organised by the Concejalía de Ciudad de Mar and the Institución Ferial de Canarias (INFECAR). FIMAR 2022 will continue to be held at the same location this Sunday, 22 May, with free access and free parking for the public.




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