ExpoDeca 2024 will bring together the best fitness and cross-training athletes from the Canary Islands

  • Gran Canaria Crow Challenge will be one of the significant events for practitioners of these disciplines this year: the date is November 16 and 17, and in less than a month, there are already 200 participants registered
  • The event is included in the ExpoDeca 2024 program, the 1st Congress and Fair of Physical Activity and Sports of the Canary Islands, which will take place at Infecar from November 14 to 17
  • Registrations for the qualifying phase of the competition are open for different levels until September 1. The preliminary phase will gather about 500 athletes, of which 200 will advance to the final phase

The program of the 1st Congress and Fair of Physical Activity and Sports of the Canary Islands continues to gain momentum ahead of the big event scheduled from November 14 to 17 at Infecar. ExpoDeca 2024 will be the first major sports fair in the Islands. It will be an essential meeting for the entire sector, including programming different sports activities, exhibitions of services and brands, and events. It is thus shaping up to be an excellent forum for sharing knowledge and promoting the development of sports entities, federations, clubs, brands, public sports management, academic institutions and experts, sports schools, or areas such as health and sports and active tourism.

Another of its great attractions will be the celebration of the Gran Canaria Crow Challenge, in which the best fitness and cross-training athletes from the entire Archipelago will compete, in addition to significant representation from the Peninsula and international participants.

ExpoDeca is promoted by the Government of the Canary Islands through the Ministry of Education, Professional Training, Physical Activity and Sports and organized by the Cabildo of Gran Canaria and Infecar Feria de Gran Canaria. The public will have free access to the fair and participation in the activities (with prior registration).

The competition: Gran Canaria Crow Challenge

The Gran Canaria Crow Challenge sports competition is scheduled for November 16 and 17 as part of the ExpoDeca 2024 fair. It is open to all fitness and cross-training athletes from the Canary Islands, although the call also extends to participants from the Peninsula and even abroad.

This is the second edition of the Gran Canaria Crow Challenge. In the first, 300 athletes registered, half qualifying for the final phase. This time, forecasts point to 500 participants in the preliminary phase, with 200 competitors in the final. Around 60 per cent will represent the best of the Canary Islands, with thirty per cent national participation and ten per cent foreign representation.

Gran Canaria Crow Challenge is an event promoted by Crownx, Grupo Connection, and Crow Factory Box. If its first edition gathered about 2,000 spectators, for the edition to be held as part of ExpoDeca 2024, they are working with an estimate of 5,000 spectators. An audience focused on following the event, to which we must add attendance at the first major Sports Fair in the Canary Islands, which can also discover the appeal of practising these modalities.

Indeed, with this action, ExpoDeca aims to launch a reference event in the Canary Islands for lovers of a way and lifestyle characterized by comprehensive and healthy sports practice. This constitutes an innovative initiative in disciplines that have acquired great social relevance and notable popularity recently.

Fitness and cross-training

In a broad sense, fitness is the practice of physical exercise to stay in shape, connected to healthy lifestyle habits that include proper nutrition or observance of correct sleep periods. It constitutes an entire sports culture oriented to maintaining physical tone, avoiding overweight, or improving cardiovascular capacity. Although there are different ways to practice fitness, it is usually generically associated with exercises of defined intensity combined with their necessary recovery periods. Skill and advances in fitness are demonstrated by the competencies acquired by its athletes. Some of them are weightlifting, abdominals, or exercise machines. Fitness, as a philosophy, is committed to a comprehensive concept of health and sport.

Cross-training is originally linked to a specific fitness modality, cross-discipline fitness. That is, it is a multidisciplinary physical exercise elevated here to a condition of high-performance training. It’s about working the entire body and its different muscle groups with shorter and more intense exercises. Cross-training includes practising squats, lunges, burpees, planks, climbers, push-ups, or jump rope series.


Athletes interested in being at ExpoDeca 2024 to compete in the Gran Canaria Crow Challenge can obtain information and register on the official event website at these addresses:

Parallel activities and registration

Registrations can be formalized in different categories for intermediate levels, scaled and experts (RX). A category is also reserved for masters (over 30 years old).

Athletes can compete individually or in teams. The proposed participation options are Scaled Pairs (male and female), Int Pairs (male and female), Master +30, and RX (male, female, and mixed).

The registration date remains open until September 1.

The jury will select the final participants from the submitted applications for the great competition on November 16 and 17. This will be one of the great events of the year in the fitness and cross-training environment in the Canary Islands. Indeed, the best of the Archipelago in these disciplines will be present at the event, along with high-level athletes from the Peninsula and abroad.

Selection of finalists

The selection process consists of demonstrating the acquired competencies (WOD) in fitness and cross-training to be evaluated by a jury. Participants must record a series of previous exercises established by the organization: cardio, work with one’s own body (gymnastics), or strength. In general, everything that these multidisciplinary modalities encompass.

Registrants will upload their videos to a platform established by the organization so that the judges can evaluate them.

The Gran Canaria Crow Challenge competition has already begun: about 200 participants have already sent their WODs since the opening of registrations (last July 15). Forecasts point to 500 registrations in this preliminary phase—all this to define a group of around 200 participants in the grand final phase at ExpoDeca 2024.

Sports and Health

The organization of the Gran Canaria Crow Challenge within the framework of ExpoDeca 2024 is fully integrated into the philosophy of this 1st Congress and Fair of Physical Activity and Sports of the Canary Islands, which covers the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits and the development of Sport linked to Health.

In fact, professionals, brands, and public and private institutions in these fields will be present at a fair that will be free for the public and seeks to boost the sector in the Archipelago.

Registration for exhibitors

The organization continues to develop an ambitious program of activities. Firms interested in participating can formalize the procedure on the official event website, expodeca.es.



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